Friday 8 May 2020



Brussels waffle
Leige waffle

2 commons types of waffles found in Brussels is Brussels waffles and Liege waffles. We tried both at Maison Dandoy, who has a number of stores throughout Brussels. The one we went to was near the Grand Palace. Brussels waffles are long, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. We tried ours with hot chocolate sauce, ice cream and whipped cream. Liege waffles are more compact and dense, and sweeter tasting. We had ours with caramel. With so many waffle vendors in Brussels, I have to recommend that everyone try the ones Maison Dandoy. It was our first waffle experience in Brussels and they were just amazing! I prefer the Brussels version over Liege waffles. They were a little less sweet and I much prefer the fluffy texture. But I'm so glad we got one of each to try. After having such amazing waffles from here, we had another one later in the day from a different seller. The Boy wanted to try one of those super loaded ones that was topped with lots fruits and ice cream and whipped cream. You see them everywhere around the touristy parts of the city, and while I had a bad feeling about it, we tried it anyway. As I suspected, they really were not as tasty as the simple ones from Dandoy. I had so much regret afterwards because the yummy waffles we had in the morning were now replaced with memories of this one! So please, if you're going to give yourself one waffle experience, go to Maison Dandoy!

Maison Dandoy
Rue au Beurre 31

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