Sunday 16 September 2018



Hello Singapore! After our vacation in Vietnam, we had a 2 day 1 night stay in Singapore before coming home. The family was already pretty tired at this point on our trip, so we took it easy. The first stop having arrived is getting some food, and Singapore has an amazing food scene. We treated ourselves to some scrumptious Chilli Crab at Jumbo, which is a serious must for all who are visiting. After our meal, we took a walk around Clarke Quay and then headed back to our hotel to rest up for the afternoon. My brother and I enjoyed the pool while Mum and Dad enjoyed the TV in their room haha. For dinner that night, we stepped our for some simple and comforting Bak Kuh Teh, which is pork rib soup, at Song Fa. On our final day, we took a morning stroll around the Gardens By the Bay and then went to Chinatown for a Soya Chicken lunch at the very famous Hawker Chan's. The line was quite long when we got there, but it did move pretty quickly. We checked out Chinatown and did a little bit of shopping while we were in the area, and before you know it, it was already time to make our way to the airport. It was my parent's first time in Singapore and mum was blown away with how affordable and delicious the food here was. I sense she'll be keen on a return visit some time again. 

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