Saturday 28 November 2020



Kyoto is a super charming city. A place that offers history and culture and old traditions. We explored shrines and buddhist temples, walked through zen gardens and bamboo forests, and searched for geishas every corner we turned. The cherry blossoms were also in bloom during our visit, which made this city even more beautiful. We travelled with my family, and I have to caution that parts of Kyoto will be a little tough for older people. My dad who's almost 60 has a bad knee and pretty much sat out of most things that required lots of stair climbing. This basically meant most shrines and temples. He was a good sport about it though, and was happy to wait for the rest of us while we completed the visit. We had set aside 4 days for Kyoto, and to be honest, 3 days would have been better for us. We saw and did most of what we wanted to in 3 days, so our last day was quite relaxed. Kyoto was such an experience, and is definitely one to put on the bucket list. 

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